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Catch the Reading Bug!

Catch the Reading Bug!

Catch the Reading Bug focuses on the fun we can have with reading books and demonstrates, through story theatre, how to act out the stories that we read. This highly interactive presentation features movement, mime, character work, and humor and can be used in conjunction with the Parents as Reading Partners program or as a stand alone presentation. Three stories are performed and each story has a “bug” in it - as well as other colorful characters.


    Grade Level: PreK - 5
    Audience Limit: 300

    Logistics/Equipment Requirements:Approximately 10 x 20 area for stage, can be anywhere from classroom to a gym. Microphone on stage. Virtual workshop: Room to move around.BOTH types of workshops: Teachers must be present at all times during workshop. If in-person and on stage, stage lights must be turned on, small table for props and costumes, 5 chairs, teacher to introduce program and remind the students to be a good audience.


    Performance starts at $300, please contact office for more information.

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