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"I Can Reach My Goals & Dreams" Show

"I Can Reach My Goals & Dreams" Show

This show will get your students excited about setting goals! Are you too young to set goals and work toward your dreams? Kevin first discusses that you are never too young or too old to have dreams and work toward your goals. He has real life stories of young people who decided to follow their dreams and become very successful in grade school and shows students how they can begin working on and achieve their goals now – not “someday”. He shows how pursuing worthy goals can greatly increase your self-esteem.Drawing on personal experience, Kevin reveals the many secrets of his successes and how he worked toward achieving his goals and dreams starting at a young age. He inspires students to understand how to believe in themselves, be consistent in their action, and move a step closer everyday toward reaching their goals. Kevin excites audiences with fun, familiar, and upbeat songs and actively engages the students for an enjoyable and memorable learning experience.


    Grade Level: PreK - 5
    Audience Limit: 300

    Logistics/Equipment Requirements:  Power & Stage - Kevin needs one wall power outlet for power, and a flatbed cart for loading equipment in, that’s it! Kevin brings PA, Lights, Mic – etc… He brings everything he needs to put on a fun show! As far as the the stage size, Kevin is flexible, however the ideal stage set up area is a minimum of 16’ by 10’ if possible. 

    Load In & Out – Kevin would like to load in and set up his equipment about 2 hours prior to performance – takes about 1 hour to pack up and load out.

    Lighting - Ideally, Kevin would like to have control of the lights so the kids can enjoy the lightshow. It would be ideal to have the show in an auditorium or gym where there is some/all control of lighting.


    Performance starts at $960, please contact office for more information.

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